Party Planning & Play Video

Today’s going to be a busy day, I could just tell! I might need some help preparing…

But first, I’d like to give a big THANK YOU to my friend Tanner. He awarded me with the Inspiration Award yesterday!

Blogging Awards

Tanner said some really nice things about me (he’s so sweeeet!). Tanner, I am so glad that you have chosen me for one of the recipients of this award. I’m also so happy you decided to join the doggie blogging world. It’s truly a world like no other. <3 I have lots to do today in order to prepare for tomorrow's big bash! If you didn't know, tomorrow's my birthday! I’m gonna be 1 year old! Ahhh!

I can’t believe how fast this year went. My family can’t, either. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun! There’s LOTS to do. I wanna have a HUGE party, and invite ALL my friends.

Party Planning & Play Video

I would love to make some new friends, too! So if you would like, you could save the following button to add to your website. I’d love to meet some of your friends, too! πŸ™‚

Party Planning & Play Video

To display the image above on your site, first save the image to your computer. Then, after uploading the image to your website’s server, change the URL in the code below, to the URL where your image is on your website.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="146" height="155" alt="Join me at Bailey's Bash!"></a>

I heard mommy went to the store and brought home some goodies, but she didn’t want me to see what they were. I got a quick peek at one of them though, but I can’t tell what it is?! Can you?

Party Planning & Play Video

I’m gonna go blow up some balloons! I can’t wait to play with them all tomorrow! Teehee! I sure hope you can join me!

Before I go, I want to share a video of my furry sister Nala and me, play fighting. She wanted to play with the balloons today, but I told her she had to wait until tomorrow. Sorry Nala!

Mommy says you could see how much stronger I am than Nala (she’s such a girly girl and play fights just the same). She puts her back towards me lots, ’cause I’ve actually knocked her down a few times! And my tail… it could just about swat her across the room. I don’t mean to do it — it just happens.

Oh yeah. Ignore the um, crazy video editing in the beginning — it only lasts for 14 seconds. Sometimes you just gotta let mommies play. <3

Make sure you have your sound up. πŸ˜‰

<3 I really am a very lucky puppy to have such wonderful family and friends. <3

Days until I’m 1 year old: 1 day! Tomorrow, June 18!
Days until we blast off into space: 11 days, on June 28!

Ahhhh! I can’t believe I’m gonna be 1 year old TOMORROW!
I wanna stay a puppy!!

*Extra Woofies*

For the word verification below: If you are on a computer (desktop or laptop), all you have to do is drag the image that it tells you to, from the left to the right image. If you are using anything other than a computer (like an iPad, iPhone, or other mobile device), you just need to click on the correct matching image on the left (it will tell you). The image will then automatically appear over the image on the right. Don’t forget I have to personally approve your comment, so it won’t show up right away. πŸ™‚

Happy Friday woofs & hugs,

~Bailey (Yep, I’m a girl)
P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect (see box in the right-hand column –>), and join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3


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35 Responses
  1. Roo says:

    Ha! It’s June 18th! So I get to be the very furst one on your special day to wish you a HUGE Happy Furst Birthday Bailey!!! I can’t wait to see you having a blast with your balloons πŸ˜€
    You made me dizzy with all your play spins! BOL! Too fun πŸ™‚

    Waggin at ya,

  2. Suka says:

    p.s. Congratulations on your wonderful award! It is so fitting, and so well deserved! I love your blog and reading about your adventures, your beautiful sisfur, and your wonderful family and life. Your puppy-ness and joy in life are in inspiration!

  3. Suka says:

    hey Bailey,

    Today is your birthday! Woofs!! Woo hoo! One year old! You are ancient! BOL!

    Loved the video of you and Nala playing and barking! You both of have such fun play barks! It is so sweet to see the two of you having such fun!

    I am so curious as to what your gift is…I just cannot figure it out. I am sure it is awesome, though!

    And I LOVE your birthday button! You are so adorable! Enjoy your big day! I will be sure to stop by!



  4. HOW EXCITING! Happy Birthday! We will definitely drop by tomorrow to help you celebrate. We are so excited about my birthday on Sunday, CAN’T WAIT!

    • bailey says:

      OMG! Your birthday’s on Sunday?! AWESOME!!! I know exactly how excited you are!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Woofs & hugs,


  5. Bailey says:

    Nice to meet you! Happy early birthday!

    I keep trying to leave a comment, but the verification thingie doesn’t like me, Must be my big paws.

    • bailey says:

      Thanks! It’s nice to meet you too! The word verification worked — I have to approve comments. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      And big paws are awesome! πŸ™‚

      Woofs & hugs,


  6. Bailey says:

    Nice to meet you! Happy early birthday!

  7. siku marie says:

    Your party is going to be lots of fun, Bailey! We are so looking forward to it! You and Nala look more like martial arts actors or modern dancers than fighters! Love your moves!

  8. Sierra Rose says:

    Happy Barkday Bailey!!! Have a fantastic one my friend πŸ™‚

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  9. Amber-Mae says:

    I bet you can’t wait! Happy Birthday to you, my friend! OOOH I don’t know what that is but I am going to guess it is some kind of soft toy. I will put up that button on my blog for everyone else to see. Have a great celebration!

  10. Play fighting is always so much fun. It sounds like you are going to have a pawsome birthday tomorrow – what a milestone – to be 1 year old

  11. Sage says:

    Yay, Bailey!! One year old–that’s a great birthday. I hope you get lots & lots of presents!!

    PS: It looks like the website photcategory has been taken down. I suppose they’ll just start up another one, but hopefully not.

  12. Thanks for asking about Marmie’s eyes. They are great and can see on their own…no glasses or contacts!

    • bailey says:

      Oh! Mommy and I are so glad everything is OK! She was wondering about it. Mommy would love to do that, but I think she’s a little chicken. Teehee!

      Woofs & hugs,


  13. SUGAR says:

    Woof! Woof! Happy Happy Birthday! weekend … Wishing you lots of Golden WOOFS WOOF! Woofs! Guess what ??? be extra happy happy … we shut the site down. It is located in Singapore. Golden Thanks again. Have a wonderful birthday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    • bailey says:

      OMG that is AMAZZZZZING!!!! WooooHoooo for our blogging family and friends!!

      Biggest woofs & hugs, and thank you for the birthday wishes!!


  14. Happy day before your birthday day!!!!

    Boondocks and Kudzu

    (Oh and we tried to add your button to our side bar, but it wouldn’t display it right.)

  15. Happy Birthday to our friend Bailey! We love our woofie friend. You sure are funny when you play. Poor Nala!

  16. houndstooth says:

    Happy Birthday a day early! I hope you have a great day celebrating!

    You and your sister sound like the Clash of the Titans!


  17. Mommy is trying to add the button, but we are having a problem!!! Help!@!


    ** Glad you got it added! ~Bailey**

  18. Sue says:

    Happy Birthday, Bailey from Tucker, Lucy, Jeffie and Rudy!

  19. Bailey says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your party!!!

    -Katy & Bailey

  20. Bert says:

    Ignore my last post. I get to come to the party. The little boy was found just a few minutes ago so we dont have to go.

    Yeah……Party party party


  21. Jen says:

    Congratulations on your award and Happy almost 1st Birthday Bailey! I bet you are going to have one heck of a party!

  22. Mr. Pip says:

    Love the video! Happy early birthday!

    Your pal, Pip

  23. Bert says:

    Hey Bailey,

    I just want to wish you an early Happy Birthday. I may not be here for the picnic tomorrow to wish you a Happy…..So I wanted to be sure to do it now.

    Looks like I may have to go look for someone who is lost…..

    So everyone have fun, I’ll get back as soon as I can
