For those of you who thought grouting just happened on flooring, check out what happened the last time the floor man was over to redo the grout for the 6th time!

Last week after the floor man left, Mommy went outside
and noticed some sand scattered on the lawn in the backyard.
She didn’t know where it came from.
She didn’t let Nala and me near it…
She really had no idea what it was!
Until she touched it and realized that it was hard.
Daddy asked if the grout man was in the backyard this
last time he was here. Mommy called the company, and
it turns out that he DID dump grout outside, but he never
thought it would harden. Doh! Grout mixed with water, is
supposed to harden! Well, um… except on our floor!
Mommy didn’t want Nala and me going near the mound
until the grout man cleaned it up… which he did this
past Wednesday. He was here to grout for the very last time!
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Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
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What an idiot that grouting man is, even our mother, who knows nothing about DIY knows what happens when grout hardens.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
I hope they finally get it right this time. Enough is enough!
Loveys Sasha
I can’t believe how much you and your family has gone through with this grout problem. I am amazed they are still in business! Hopefully this is it and life can get back to normal.
Boy these grout men sure have been a problem! Good job your Momma noticed it before you or Nala got into it!
Gosh Bailey I sure hope those groutin peeps got it right this time. Good grief! Almost makes you want to just rip out the tile and have a dirt floor eh? 😉
Waggin at ya,
What an inconsiderate man he was! He didn’t bring his brain with him to work obviously!
Have a great weekend, Bailey!
How could he not know that it would harden? Silly man!
Tsk tsk tsk, terrible service Mr grout man!
Have a great weekend Bailey!
How would the grout man like it if you pooped in his tool box. BOL
Let’s hope that is the LAST time you ever have to see that grout man! He sure has made a simple project into a major production! If he comes back, I think you should BITE him Baily!
OK. Maybe not actually bite him ~ that would probably get you in trouble. Then again, you’re Mom’s gotta be so mad at him, maybe she wouldn’t care!?
I hope your grout hardens (on the floors that is!),
What a clueless guy!
Dachshund Nola
I am thinkin this grout guy is a real SQUIRREL.
This grout guy sounds like he is clueless! How much more abuse is he going to throw at you? I am so sorry he is so unprofessional!
Your friend,
That was very inconsiderate of the grout man to leave his mess on your lawn. Who knows if it is hazardous to you. If you had eaten it and it mixed with your tummy juices, what would happen then? Shudder, we don’t even want to think about that.
Have a great weekend, and we hope the grout job works well this time.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning