On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. Have YOU sent in a pic of YOU riding in a car? Dogs are preferred, but any furry will do! You haven’t? What are you waiting for? You have? Send in another! It’s OK if you’re just sitting in it. ๐
If you have photos you’d like to see in our next post, please contact me for my email (if you don’t already have it). Please include your doggie’s (or other furry’s) name and your blog’s name & URL (doesn’t have to be a doggie blog, but it must be family-friendly), so I could list them. This is an ongoing series — when I receive enough pictures, I’ll announce on this page when the next Dogs in Cars will be posted. Have you already sent pics in? Send in another! We wanna see your doggie in a car, so don’t miss sending your pictures in!

Unnamed Doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Jedi & Jack, submitted by Kimberly.
Jedi, submitted by Kimberly.
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
OK, so it’s not a car… but it’s got wheels! Teehee!
Jack, submitted by Kimberly.
If your photo was featured today, please feel free to grab the button below and share it on your website or blog. ๐

Dogs in Cars… Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Pet Portraits… Why not have my mommy, make a drawing for you? Memorialize your doggie, kitty, birdie, small critter, or other furry with a hand-drawn portrait. ๐ You can see some drawings and more info on this page.
Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
Word verification has been turned off! Comment away! Spammers take a hike! All comments are moderated, so they won’t show up right away. ๐
Copyright ยฉ BaileyBeGood.com. All Dogs in Cars photos are Copyright ยฉ their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved.

We always enjoy your Dogs in Cars!!!
Oh I finally have a picture of Freddie in the car I will have to submit! I love the dogs in cars pics! ๐
Car rides are the BEST because in our family they lead to ice cream stops, car picnics, adventures. If you send us your email, we will make momma send you some photos…sehismith@aol.com
We are a bit behind in sending out our cars in pics photos!! We do love this series of photos though!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
We Love the Dogs in Cars thingy… we were in it a long time ago.. the trouble is… we always Sit in the SAME Place lookin all the same and it would be boring fur us to send another picture.. BUTT we REALLY hope that lots of others get in …
It would NEVER be boring to see you two in a car!! <3
Our header picture is of me and Stanley in Dad’s truck. We can send it to you but don’t know how. Email perhaps?
Your friends,
Murphy & Stanley
Oh we do like your dogs in cars series
Benny & Lily
Oh how I love being in a car.
Those are great! They do act funny when riding along!
Oh very cute! I know I’ve got a few good photos of Sam in the car – I’ll have to look for them.