Monday Mischief: Popcorn Be Popped!

I’m not sure where the Mischief is within this post, but this must be wrong…

Bubba LOVES these little ears of corn. They usually come unpopped in the package, and that’s how he likes them. He usually breaks off each little kernel and pockets them in his pouch for later. The other day, mommy read that you could microwave those little corns. So she tried it! She placed one in the microwave, and it actually popped!

MondayMischief: Popcorn be Popped
Mommy microwaved it for just a few seconds,
and this is what she got — Just ONE kernel popped!

MondayMischief: Popcorn be Popped
Then she put it back in for a little longer,
and the corn started popping!

MondayMischief: Popcorn be Popped
Popped corn is popcorn?! O_o

MondayMischief: Popcorn be Popped
There has to be mischief somewhere in these kernels…
Bubba does not really like the popped kernels, so I guess
he’ll go back to his regular uncooked corn on the cob. πŸ™‚

My mommy’s friend is visiting with us again this week, so I will be a little behind in visiting all of you… as usual. I hope you all have a wonderful week! <3


Dogs in Cars! Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Pet Portraits… Have you ever thought of getting a portrait done of your treasured furry & feathered babies? Why not have my mommy create one for you! You can see drawings, pricing, and other information on this page. πŸ™‚

Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
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16 Responses
  1. Pennypup says:

    Popcorn.. popped on the cob!? I think I’ll be taking a trip to the store tomorrow!

  2. Flea says:

    I had NO IDEA that one could pop corn on the cob! SUH-WEET. I use a stove top popping pan and love it.

  3. bichonpawz says:

    We just love Popcorn!! We have seen things like that at Cracker Barrel…and mama has thought about buying them, but never tried them. Now we must try ’em!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  4. siku marie says:

    We had super delicious buttery popcorn on Saturday movie night. We munched ourown little bowls while we all cuddled together to watch Rango…ever see it! If not ask mommy for a family movie and popcorn night and check it out!

  5. Murphy says:

    Wow, that is pretty cool!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Benny & Lily says:

    That is hilarious. Wonder what happens if you put a big ear of corn in the microwave
    Benny & Lily

  7. Goose says:

    I love love pop corn. So I will take what Bubba does not want..

  8. Carol says:

    We had no ideal that those would pop like that, were gonna have to try that.

    The silvers and more

  9. Frankie Furter and Ernie says:

    Does Bubba like it POPPED too??? We have done that Cob Popping thingy. it was fun to watch… butt MOM said it was a MESS to clean up after.

  10. Sam says:

    I didn’t know you could do that! Are they edible for people?


  11. Sarge says:

    Hey Bailey!
    Wow, that’s a really fun food trick! I’ll have to give that a try. Popcorn is yummy… more butter is even better! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  12. We love popcorn here Bailey! Those little ears look cute too!

  13. Bassetmomma says:

    That is just so cool Bailey! To bad Bubba doesn’t like the popped corn as it is much more fun! I hope your Momma has a good time with her friend this week. πŸ™‚