Goodbye Sweet Nala. <3

Mommy & Daddy helped her over the Rainbow Bridge
today. Her quality of life was very poor for the past
few months, but the last couple of days had gotten
much worse. Keeping her here longer would’ve just been for us.
Mommy & Daddy did this for her because they didn’t want to
watch her suffer anymore.
I wish I would have been born sooner, so we could have
had more time together when you were younger. I will
cherish these past 4 years. We will miss you so very much.
Me most of all. ~Bailey <3
Another issue of Dogs in Cars will be posting soon! Send in your photos! 🙂
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I heard from many of you that my feed has not been showing up in your readers for quite some time. I am so sorry! Feedburner said my RSS Feed got too big, and it stopped sending it out. :/ So I deleted it and it’s now located here. The problem I have, is that everyone who had previously subscribed, is no longer subscribed. 🙁 I have your emails, and plan on sending out one general message asking everyone to change the URL of the feed so you could continue receiving it in your reader (nope, haven’t done this yet). You can always visit my page and click on the RSS link in the sidebar. I hope this will solve the problem, so you can be notified of new posts. Please do let me know if this solves the problem! 🙂
Pet Portraits… Have you ever thought of getting a portrait done of your treasured furry & feathered babies? Why not have my mommy create one for you! You can see drawings, pricing, and other information on this page. 🙂
Dogs in Cars! Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
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We are so very sorry to read this, we have loved Nala for some time and always looked forward to seeing her pictures. Condolences, respects, and soft husky wooooos,
Nuk, Isis & Timber
Sweet, sweet Nala, we are so very sorry that you had to leave for The Bridge so soon. Our hearts are breaking right now and we share in the sorrow. You were a great furend and we will miss you. We shall think of you often, remember you with loving thoughts and know that one day we shall see you again. Sending BIG Doxie hugs to your family bcuz we know they are very sad.
Much love,
Lily Belle, Muffin & Mommy Kim
We are so, so sorry to hear about beautiful Nala and we send you all love and hugs.
I’m so sorry. She was so beautiful and I’ve enjoyed reading about her these last few years. Hugs to all of you.
Monty, Harlow, Aaron and Christine
We are SO sorry fur your loss but
it’s not furever…it’s just…fur now!
I’m so sorry to hear the news about Nala. She lived a very long and wonderful life. And I know she left behind so many wonderful memories that will always be cherished and help you through your grief.
Run young and free again, beautiful girl.
So sorry to read about your loss of Nala (coming here from Life at Golden Pines blog). May her memories remain with you always. Run free sweet Nala
Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle
OH How VERY SORRY we are to hear this… We loved Nala and we are Sad that she felt the Call of the Bridge… it was Wonderful of You to help her find the way… HARD but Wonderful.
Run Free and Fast Nala… til we meet again…
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about sweet Nala! What a beauty she was and I think she had a wonderful and long life. It’s not easy, but helping her was a good thing. Run free now, Nala. Sending all of you warm hugs and loving vibes.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend