Woof! What’s all this about?
Hi! My name is Bailey! I’m a Shepherd/Leonberger Mix girl doggie! I haven’t had it as rough as some rescue pups have. Read more about me below.
It all started when one day, a kind man found my furry mom wandering the streets and brought her to a rescue organization. Soon after, my two furry sisters and I arrived into the world and they needed to find new homes for all of us. A really great family came to visit me and my sisters in September, 2010 when I was 3 months old, and wouldn’t you know it — they chose me! I went home with them that same day, and things haven’t been the same since! Read Nala’s and my story, and about my relationship with Nala.
Can you guess why I named my site, “Bailey Be Good?” I hear my family say that to me A LOT! Stick with me [TASTY STICK!] as I share the little bit of craziness that I bring to my new family…they certainly didn’t know what they were getting themselves into when they chose me! My new family already had a dog when I moved in… her name is Nala, and she was an almost 12-year-old American Eskimo mix when I moved in. She may be my new older sister, but we’ll just see who rules the house now… π
My mommy helped me start my site in December, 2010 — I was just 6 months old. My site is family-friendly. This means that my site is safe for children. I would like to very much keep it this way, so I will only link to other family-friendly sites. If you happen to have a non-family-friendly website and submit a comment to my blog, I will sadly have to remove it. It’s not personal… it’s just the right thing to do to keep my site safe for children. π
About the photos on my site: I’m glad to say that my human sister, Taylor, takes many of the photos on my site. My mommy takes the rest. Please do not take them or use them on your site or anywhere else without asking first. Besides not being nice, it’s against the law to do that. π
I’ll be updating Bailey’s Blog daily, and adding ARFicles (with my 2 biscuits)…games, photos & videos, and lots of other stuff (like posters, and cool stuff with my name on it).
My hu-sister has a few names on my bloggie (like HS for Hu-Sis, and MT), but mostly you’ll see me referring to her as Taylor. π
2-27-15: Me, Jax & JoJo. Sadly, we lost poor JoJo in October, 2016. She was 2 years old. π
1-17-15: Welcome Jax!
1-10-15: Goodbye Sweet Nala. <3 2-27-14: I’m taking sort of a break for a bit. My mommy’s mommy passed away today, from stage 4 melanoma. It’s definitely gonna take Mommy time to just be okay, and I need to help her as much as I can. Thanks for not forgetting us during this time. Big huggies to you. π
May 2013 Mommy and me may not be responding much — we’re preoccupied ’cause my hu-grandma (my mommy’s mommy), was recently diagnosed with the bad C word… again (stage 4 this time). I try and schedule posts ahead of time, but it’s not easy. Mommy can’t concentrate much on drawing… though commissions do help keep her mind off real life stuff. Please follow my RSS Feed to be notified of recent posts! [UPDATE: My wonderful hu-grandma passed away in February, 2014. My mommy & I have not been back here full time since then, but she does post on Facebook & Instagram. Won’t you please follow us there?]
You could also find me on Pinterest.
12-18-13: My 3 Year Blogoversary!
2-2-12: Welcome furry Bubba to our family! Bubba update here. Sadly, Bubba went to the Rainbow Bridge on 9-13-13, after living with us for 17 months. We love and miss you, little boy. Here’s his final tribute. <3 12-18-11: My Blogoversary & 18-month-old birthday!
My Current Weight…
Previous Weight January 2, 2012: 69.4 lbs (1 year, 7 months old)
Pre-Diet Weight June 29, 2012: 76.8 lbs (2 years old) Need to diet!
Previous 2012 Weight October 27, 2012: 71 lbs (2 years, 4 months old) Lost 5.8 lbs!
Previous Weight March 22, 2013: 80 lbs (2 years, 9 months old) Gained 9 lbs! Uh oh!
Previous Weight June, 2013: 83 lbs (3 years old) Gained 3 lbs! Wrong way!
Previous Weight November 4, 2013: 76.5 lbs (3 years, 5 months old) Lost 6.5 lbs! See this post.
Previous Weight August 22, 2014: 87 lbs (4 years, 2 months old) Gained 10.5 lbs! Started immediately on ‘OM Overweight Management’ Veterinary Prescription diet.
Previous Weight December 18, 2014: 73.4 lbs (4 years, 6 months old) Lost 13.6 lbs! See this post.
Current Weight January 21, 2015: 70.4 lbs (4 years, 7 months old) Lost another 3 lbs for a total of 16.6 lbs! My doctor said another 5 lbs would be the perfect weight for me, but I’m doing great already!
Current Weight February, 2015: 67.4 lbs (4 years, 8 months old) Lost almost 3 more lbs for a total of 20 lbs! My doctor is so amazed! See this post.
Current Weight May, 2015: 66.4 lbs (4 years, 11 months old) Lost another pound for a total of 21 lbs! Yay!
Current Weight April, 2016: 66.6 lbs (5 years, 10 months old) In January 2016 I started Hills Science Diet Metabolic, a veterinary diet. My mommy wanted to get me off of the OM veterinary diet, which is corn-based.
Current Weight February, 2016: 64 lbs. Still on Hills Science Diet Metabolic.
Read about The Big Thing, and our new window seat, here!
My mommy drew a picture of me & Nala! Click here to see pictures.
My mommy painted Jax! Click here to see a photo on JM’s DeviantArt.
Want a drawing of your furry one? Look at some of my mommy’s drawings. π
My site’s won awards! Here they are:
2/6/11: Stylish Blogger Award from The White Dog Diary Online
2/17/11: Cool Dog Site of the Day Award from Dogmark.net
6/12/11: Genuine Blogger Award from Just Ramblin’
6/12/11: You are an… Inspiration! Award from Boondocks the Wonder Dog
6/16/11: You are an… Inspiration! Award from Tanner Trains the Family
6/18/11: Versatile Blogger Award from Kolchak Puggle
6/20/11: Versatile Blogger Award from Arwen’s Pack
6/20/11: Versatile Blogger Award from Roxy the Traveling Dog
6/20/11: Versatile Blogger Award from Sheltie Times
6/20/11: You are an… Inspiration! Award from Arwen’s Pack
6/21/11: Versatile Blogger Award from The Dogs of Greenhill Farm
9/5/11: Premio Destellos Brillantes en el Cielo Azul (Bright Flashes in the Sky Award from Talking Dogs Blog
9/24/11: Versatile Blogger Award from Life with Doxies
9/24/11: You are an… Inspiration! Award from Brian’s Home
12-14-11: Liebster Award from Yorkie Tails.
12-14-11: Liebster Award from Basset Momma.
12-20-11: Kreativ Award from Basset Momma.
1-17-12: Liebster Award from Basset Momma.
1-22-12: One Lovely Blog Award from Roxy the Traveling Dog.
1-28-12: Pawsome Blogger Award from My Brown Newfies.
2-17-12: Hope Unites Globally Hug Award from Bassett Mommma.
2-19-12: Pawsome Blogger Award from The Court of Tails.
2-23-12: Versatile Blogger Award from A Tale of Two Huskies.
3-4-12: Versatile Blogger Award from The Dogs of Greenhill Farm.
6-12-12: Sunshine Award from It’s a Weinerful Life.
6-15-12: Sunshine Award from Murphy and Stanley.
7-14-12: Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award from Bassett Momma.
I’ve won an award too!
3/21/11: Bark Your Vote 2011 Fan Tongue-Tacular Contest from Anna the GSD
8/20/11: I was featured on Pet Blogs United! π
9/23/11: I had a surprise visit from The Fairy Hobmother! π
10-7-13: I won the grand prize in FiveSibes’ Summer Fun Canine Photo Contest!
I’m in print!
There are a couple of doggie books that came out in 2012! Here’s one of them: Mischief Master Class, by Snoopy’s own mommy, Annette Vivian.
Another book is, Doggitude: What Dogs REALLY Think–In 17 Sassy Syllables, by a wonderful watercolor painter, Carole Pivarnik.
Stay tuned for more info on other books I’ll be in! π
Oh, and just so you know… any reviews that I give on this site are purely of my own puppy opinion. I don’t receive anything in exchange for a review, except on occasion for the items themselves, which are received at no cost to me or my family. I never receive any compensation for any of my reviews.
I’d love to hear from you — bark me an email sometime! π
*Extra Woofies*
October, 2011: Word verification has been turned off, so comment away! Don’t forget I have to personally approve your comment, so it won’t show up right away. π
Lotsa woofs,

Below are the pictures that mommy saw of me and my two sisters on Petfinder.com before we were adopted:

Website Header Timeline:
~Displayed from 12-18-10 to 7-14-11:
Photo taken: 9-2010 (Bailey 3 months old in header):

~Displayed from 7-14-11 to … :
Photo taken: 7-14-11 (Bailey 1 year 26 days old in header):

My Page on About.me.
Copyright Β© BaileyBeGood.com. All Rights Reserved.