Tag-Archive for » trip «

Dogs in Cars #11

On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. Have YOU sent in a pic of YOU riding in a car? Dogs are preferred, but any furry will do! You haven’t? What are you waiting for? You have? Send in another! It’s OK if you’re just sitting in it. 😉

Dogs in Cars #10

On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. Have YOU sent in a pic of YOU riding in a car? Dogs are preferred, but any furry will do! You haven’t? What are you waiting for? You have? Send in another! It’s OK if you’re just sitting in it. 😉

Sealing the Grout & a Car Ride Part 2

This post is continued from yesterday.

Doggie Camp *Sigh*

It was a surprise to us, when mommy packed us up and brought us over to doggie camp last week. We were so sad!

First Drives To & From School

I mentioned recently, that I’ve been going out more and more in the car, and I haven’t been getting sick. This week, I’ve been going with mommy to pick up Taylor from school!