On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. Have YOU sent in a pic of YOU riding in a car? It’s OK if you’re just sitting in it. ๐
If you have photos you’d like to see in our next post, please contact me for my email (if you don’t already have it). Please include your doggie’s (or other furry’s) name and your blog’s name & URL (doesn’t have to be a doggie blog, but it must be family-friendly), so I could list them. This is an ongoing series — when I receive enough pictures, I’ll announce on this page when the next Dogs in Cars will be posted. Don’t miss sending your pictures in!
Now for Dogs in Cars…
Since the weather has started getting a bit cooler, people have been taking their doggies with them in their cars more often. We were able to snap quite a few pics of doggies for this installment! ๐

Snoopy, submitted by Snoopys Dog Blog .
Reggie & Lola, submitted by Joanna Baker.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Goose, submitted by Gospel of Goose.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Snoopy, submitted by Snoopys Dog Blog .
Reggie & Lola, submitted by Joanna Baker.
Goose, submitted by Gospel of Goose.
Bailey, of BaileyBeGood.com.
(This is a pic of me months ago, just before we got out of the car.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
We were hoping this doggie was on a leash…
He was barking his head off at everyone. Doesn’t he look scary?
Unnamed doggie, submitted by BaileyBeGood.com.
Taylor was with me in the car when mommy got back…
The poor doggie was STILL hanging out of the car!
Cinnamon, submitted by Cinnamon, the Dog with a Blog.
Winnie & Hu-Sister Caitlin, submitted by Winnie the Greyhound.
If your photo was featured today, please feel free to grab the button below and share it on your website or blog. ๐

Dogs in Cars…
Send in your Dogs in Cars photos!… If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Happy Tuesday woofs & hugs! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email, and I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect, even though it will be discontinued in March, 2012 (see box in the right-hand column –>). You can also join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
Word verification has been turned off! Comment away! Spammers take a hike! All comments are moderated, so they won’t show up right away. ๐
Copyright ยฉ BaileyBeGood.com. All Dogs in Cars photos are Copyright ยฉ their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved.

Aw man, do I have a picture for you. It’s of my pug-self driving a car (trying to get away from the humans!). Let me know where I can send them. Great blog. ๐
It is nice to know that the dogs in our community have such good taste in their rides! What fun.
hey Bailey,
BOL! Such pawsome pictures! You look especially adorable! And Winnie and Caitlin look so cute! All the pups in cars are super, it is impossible to have a favorite! And yes, that big guy hanging out of the jeep is a bit intimidating, but I am sure he is a good pup at heart. :->
Enjoyed this set of photos very much. Such beautiful dogs, all of them!
very cute!!
Benny & Lily
I loved these posts. They are just so fun to see. Great pics!
Oh…better get some photos of mee in da car…..as soon as it warms up enough for me to get out from under me blankie! Brrrrr it be cold here today!
I just love all the pictures in cars! As soon as I get one of Freddie and Gloria I will submit it. They love going in the car, but since our car is a two door it’s quite a chore getting their big basset butts in the back. LOL! Then I always forget my camera and I’m too exhausted to care! I keep thinking I need to keep a smaller camera in the car!
Great shots. We don’t get out as often as we think we should in the car.
OH these are grrrrrreat pics of dawgs gettin OUT and About!!! THIS is so FUN. THANKS.
Hey that’s me! Oh how I love riding in cars, or trucks, or suv’s even in golf carts.
Love love to ride.
Having car rides is one of my favourite activities!!!
Great pics of dogs in cars. We need to get a ride in the car, maybe a trip to Petsmart, c’mon, Mom, let’s go.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
All those piccies look great, we will have to find some dogs in cars photos of us