I thought getting pics of doggies in cars was hard enough — try and get pics of doggies in shadows!
Ever since this post, I’ve thought about gathering pictures of doggies in shadows. To take good shadow pictures, it really helps to have lots of light! You could use light from light bulbs for indoor shadows, or use natural sunlight to cast shadows from the window.
I love doggie shadows, and how you can see the texture of the surface that the shadow appears on. I also like how you can sometimes tell the doggie by its shadow. I bet you can tell which of the shadows below belong to me, and which shadows belong to Nala. ๐

Did you guess who owns each of the shadows in the above photos?
Dogs in Shadows is gonna be another ongoing series here at Bailey Be Good, so I’d love for you all to join in the fun!
Watch for more Dogs in Shadows! Do you have a picture of your doggie’s shadow? Send it to me and I’ll post it with the next installment! Make sure you only get the shadow in the shot, and no doggies, as in the above photos.
If you include your doggie’s name and your blog’s name/URL, I’ll be sure to list them. ๐
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If you have a website or blog and would like to share this page, please grab the button below and place it on your site. I’d be glad you did!

Please support this Florida bill…
Florida Survey Shows Animals Needlessly Killed; Rescue Access Law Introduced! “Florida Animal Rescue Act, SB 818/HB 597, would make it illegal for a shelter to kill an animal when a qualified non-profit rescue organization is willing to save that animal.” Click here to show your support!
Dogs in Cars… #5 will post on 2-2-12!
Send in your Dogs in Cars photos!… If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Dogs in Shadows…
Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos!… If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Happy Tuesday woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email, and I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect, even though it will be discontinued in March, 2012 (see box in the right-hand column –>). You can also join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
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Copyright ยฉ BaileyBeGood.com. All Rights Reserved.

Great idea. I have felines and I do hope to capture some shadow pictures of them since they always lie down and take a nap most of the day. Thanks!
Shadow shots are always so interesting. This should be a great series.
What a fun idea!
We are so excited to send our dog in shadow. We have a favorite one. So we took a button and are gonna put it on our site.
You run the best contests.
Thanks, Bert! Teehee! I haven’t run a contest yet — everyone could participate and submit photos of doggies in shadows! ๐
Those shadow pictures are great!
What a cool idea…we will see what we can do
That is such a cool idea, you’re a fun one Bailey…and smart too!
Oh Bailey! Your shadow is as cute as you are!! Looks like a fun thing to try to do…me and mom are going to try it!!
Fun times with shadows. We will see if we can get a walk on a sunny day and get you a good shadow shot.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
It be easy to find you, Bailey! Just look for da floppy ears! BWHahahahahaha
Great idea! I think we all know who has the fluffy ears in the shadows. LOL! And let’s not forget the “one up, one down” ears!
BaaaaWaaaaah I just had to come back and say this…
I’m waitin fur the series called… Dawgs UNDER LOW Furniture. Now THAT ONE… We could really do!!!
BOL!! Awwwww!!
OK… I’ll TRY this… butt we are soooooo short that it is HARD to make a Shadow. I’m just sayin.
Shadow Dog. Sounds like a super hero. hehehe.
The pics are cool.
I love doggie shadows too! I think I have some pics somewhere…
Woof! Woof! LOVE it! Mom always takes shadow photo especially when its sunny outside. The hardest part is indoor shadows. One of our shadow photo is posted on our {LGL} site. Another GREAT idea, Bailey. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh BTW: send you an invite for Pinterest and my TT post today is inspired from one of our pins. Golden Woofs
Hi there Bailey! We just sent you an email! AND we are adding your button to our sidebar! You have such a great blog over here…it’s hard to keep up with all of your new stuff! Those shadow pics are going to be hard to capture…but we will try!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug