Tag-Archive for » pool «

Wordless Wednesday: Tree Frogs

I guess I’ll call today, Wordful Wednesday. Teehee!

Our backyard recently has been home to some other creatures besides the usual lizards…

Monday Mischief: QUACK!

Recently, we had some noisy toads vacationing in the pool in our backyard. Just a few days ago, we had something completely different.

Monday Mischief: Noisy Toads!

It’s not ME causing the mischief today, friends!

Thankful Thursday: Summer Fun Day!

There’s nothing I love more than food, than playing in the water! Hot summer days are perfect for playing in the sprinklers. Thanks for setting this up for me, daddy!

Storms, Dragonflies & Snakes (& Video)

We’ve had quite a bit of rain lately… and that’s brought out lots of creaturesss.