Tag-Archive for » product review «

Review: Hoo-Rag

I’m no girly girl, but there are occasions where I don’t mind trying on accessories and stuff. Hey, sometimes you have a good fur day, ya know?

Book Review: Doggitude & Giveaway

Dogs and books… there are so, so many. And I never get tired of them… especially dog books with my picture in them! Teehee!

Review: Newman’s Own Organics Premium Adult Dog Food

Today I’m reviewing some more Newman’s Own Organics goodies for doggies!

Review: Dogzilla Fish Splatz Doggie Toys

My mommy bought Nala and me a couple of new toys the other day. These are different than the toys she usually buys — they don’t have stuffing, and there’s no fuzzy stuff on the outside for me to pull at. They’re flat fishies!

Review: Ultimate Touch Instant Mat & Tangle Remover

Ya know all that cute fur on my floppy ears? Well, it’s not too cute when it gets all matted and knotty. I don’t mind it much, but mommy thinks knots are icky and does what she can to rid my fur of them. My ear furs have a mean habit of getting knotty, so mommy set out on a hunt for something to make those knots disappear.