Tile Removal? I think I’d Rather…
Play in my pool!! And dig a hole, and run around like crazy! And guess what?
IMPORTANT UPDATE: 11:30pm: Mommy just checked… remember that bad website she found that was hot-linking to many blog images? It was taken down thanks to all of you, remember? Well… she’s not happy to say, that the site is back up and running under a different domain: desktopwallpaper365.com (As of a check on 5-7-12, this website was not available). She did a search on baileybegood, and it seems that those images are still not found, but any image that has to do with the term, ‘blogpaws,’ is still displaying, and many blogs have their images displaying under this term. One that she happened to notice, was from http://twolittlecavaliers.com/.
Please blog friends — check the site, make sure your domain terms don’t display any of your images, and spread the word to your friends. We must put this infringement to an end for once and for all.
Now… back to my post. π
That’s right! Daddy didn’t finish taking up the tile this past weekend… I guess he needed a weekend off to recouperate. Tile removing is hard work!
So, since he didn’t take up the tile, I was able to play, play, PLAY!! ALL weekend loooong! (That’s why my post is so lateee!)

I had so much fun this weekend!!
Did ya know that water + dirt = MUD?! Here’s a video of me doing 3 of my favorite things: playing in my pool, running, and DIGGING!
Don’t miss the 3:55 – 4:12 minute marks (I love pushing the dirt with my nose, and an occasional spin in the dirt).
Late yesterday afternoon, my daddy brought home a new present for me! I know some of you doggies already have one. I got to play with it today for just a little while, before it started raining. Drat! I don’t want to give it away just yet. You’ll probably guess what it is, so I’ll show you more soon! I had sooo much fun in … errr… with it! π
By the way, I’m celebrating my 201th post (I missed my 200th)! I never thought I’d have that much to say, and have that many people interested in reading it. Thank you, friends. Your support means a great deal to me. π
Days until we blast off into space: 1 day, on June 28! Ahhh! It’s Tuesday! Gonna go pack some extra freeze-dried goodies!
Happy Sunday woofs & hugs!
~Bailey (Yep, I’m a girl)
P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect (see box in the right-hand column –>), and join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
For the word verification below: If you are on a computer (desktop or laptop), all you have to do is drag the image that it tells you to, from the left to the right image. If you are using anything other than a computer (like an iPad, iPhone, or other mobile device), you just need to click on the correct matching image on the left (it will tell you). The image will then automatically appear over the image on the right. Don’t forget I have to personally approve your comment, so it won’t show up right away. π
Copyright Β© BaileyBeGood.com. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks for the update on the darn picture stealers…seems like we will have to send another email. UGH!!
Hi Bailey,
Just wanted to check if you know that your comment section on todays post about the missing Dogs and competitions is acting weird?! It says comments are closed when I’m in the actual post?
Have a fun day Buddy,
Snoopy π
Ahhh, Snoopy! I did have comments closed on yesterday’s post. I think I got dirt in my eyes! So silly of me… I was wondering why there weren’t any comments! ahhhhhhh!
Sorry friends!! I’ve opened comments on it if you’d like to post a comment. π
That is some quality mud time!
Mud is such fun to play in – hey, your new post says the comments are closed…..we couldn’t leave a message about the lost doggies π
You’re having so much fun Bailey! Oh I wish you lived closer. I have a Crabby like your Turtle! Isn’t it great! Tee Hee Hee your nose looks like mine after I dig in my dig spot ;D
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: Wanted to comment on your newest post but ‘Comments was closed’ So I’ll leave it here! I thought your photo entry to the contest was great! Mom and I were laughin like mad π Hope you win!
That is a great mudhole! I loooooooooooooooooooooove it!
btw, I meant to say congrats on your 201 post! Woohoo!!
You made me think about how many I’d do and I thought, maybe I’ll celebrate too when I get to 200, then I looked and saw I’ve done 234!!
How did that happen?
Snoops π
You’re soooo funny!! That pool looks pawsome!! You made me laugh when you were try to fill the hole back in with your nose!!
Have fun in your turtle pool buddy, I’d love one of those!!
Your pal Snoopy π
Woof! Woof! MUD … Oh would LOVE to join you … Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
That website is horrible. Remember we were able to track down the server origin n was able to shut down the site. I just can’t believe they created a new domain. We did not find any of our photos but if anyone find a photo of them we will send you the info to shut down the site. Golden Thanks bailey. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I found a website that has stolen a whole article that they lifted the picture from. It is a sick world.
Congrats on 200+1 posts Bailey! Celebrate by having lots more mud fun!!!
Mud is kind of a way of life here. Sad that they have come back to steal more pictures. Sadly not surprising.
Looks like you’re having a lot of fun there, Bailey! I wonder what your secret present is! π Muddy zoomies are the best kind of zoomies!
Congrats on 201 posts! I hope the tile removal is all over soon. My bet is that you got a pool!
P.S. Sometimes your captcha thing keeps giving us an error and no matter what we do, it won’t let us post a reply to some of your posts.
Oh no! I am so sorry that our captcha thingie gives you errors! Can you tell me what it says when you get the error?
OOOOH! Your bet is…. teehee! Not gonna say yet! π
we are on our way over
Benny & Lily
hahaha, woo are an A-1 digger Bailey, and extra points for the snooter work!!
WHAT a happy girl you are!! ZOOM!!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Wow Bailey, You really know how to have fun. I bet your family is so happy that it is just Water + Dirt = Mud, rather than the combination I make for My Vickie. Water + Goose Pooh + Dirt + YUCKY STUFF>
At least to her….
I love the video.
And (oh dang it, I forgot what I was gonna say)
Oh well, Oh yeah,
Cant wait to hear how your day goes Tuesday. Big day a coming…
Hey Bailey! We had so much fun watching you zoom around and play! Love the digging!!!…and snootering… My yard needs more stuff to dig in I think…hmmm need to look in that! LOVE the POOOOOOOOOOOLLLL! Oh yeah π
Happy 200th!
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose