It’s time for Monday Mischief! Was I a bad girl this past weekend? Heh heh…
First I want to apologize for not visiting you the past few days — we had such a busy weekend, which ended with that thing called, “company!” Gah! (Watch for a post on that next week.)
Now for the mischief…
You know the couch invader? Remember when I tried it out? Well, mommy hasn’t secretly recorded me since she started putting those silly boxes on the couch. But she hasn’t used the boxes when she’s home. Teehee!
This past weekend, mommy was in the other room, and I snuck up on the couch invader for just an instant. I quickly got off, and ran to the temporary window bench. By that time, my mommy had come into the room. But since I have not yet learned to hide my GUILT, my eyes got all glassy, my ears went back, and I ran to the other room to get a toy. Everyone in my family knows, that when I run around the house with my ears back and a toy in my mouth, either I’m guilty of something, or I’m feeling a bit scared. More often than not, I’m guilty. *smile*
So, after I started running around the house, my Mommy immediately went over to the couch invader, and I’m GUESSING that she noticed a few furs on it. Sheesh. Can’t I go ANYWHERE without leaving a little bit of myself behind?
Mommy was a little upset, but I think she found it funnier that I couldn’t hide my guilt. Maybe I’ve got something there.

A few minutes later, the boxes went
back on the couch invader. Doh!
Send in your Dogs in Cars photos!… (Ongoing series)
I’ve joined the Monday Mischief Blog Hop! Won’t you please take a moment to visit some other mischievous friends below?
Happy Monday Mischief woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect (see box in the right-hand column –>), and join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
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Lol cute doggy ๐
I also love jumping on the couch arghh -:>
That little look of yours will get you out of so much! Too sweet with a side of a little guilt pout thrown in for good measure! : )
I think you might have something with “the look”!
oh….you might have figured out how to (possibly) get away with invading that couch.
now…all you need is to vacuum next time so the fur doesn’t give it away!
If woo khan’t do the khouch, I think woo need your OWN khomfy chair!
Egads! That forensic fur evidence gets you efurry time. And the gillty face – oh, I has it BIG TIME. Mom would has NEFUR has known I eated her brand new $300 glasses if’n that stoopid gillty look had not ratted me out. That woz when I woz a yungun, tho. After nomming 3 pair of her glasses, I kicked the habit.
Guess what mom did to us! There are 3 cans with pennies inside laying on our sofa
Benny & Lily
Bailey Bailey Bailey —reasons for you to get ON the couch
testing the springs
looking for lost noms that humans always drop
finding that missing earring
checking hair sticking capabilities
checking material is scotch guarded against muddy feet
and the list keeps going – don’t give up the hoomans will soon enough
Aww, poor Bailey, no puppies on the new couch? I wonder how we’re going to handle that when it’s new couch time. Get a better slip cover, probably!
Oh Dear Bailey,
Looking guilty AND leaving evidence behind!! No wonder you got busted buddy!! I think you need to practice a little more….. Tee Hee – PS – Have you tried blowing the fur off the sofa when you’re done?
Have fun buddy,
Your pal Snoopy ๐
I am not allowed on the furniture unless it is my futon in the basement of the couch in the camper. I know what you mean about looking quilty. I do it too.
Puppy Kisses,
Ooooo. What is up with us doggies not being able to hide our guilt?
Yea, but nobody looks as good as you when the mischief is running!
BOL… I love the comment about the FURS NET… TOOOO funny.
I just don’t understand why THEY won’t let us up on EVERYTHING. NOT FAIR.
Bailey, you need one of those things that remove the dog hair from the couch to carry around with you, then your Mom would never know!!!
Bailey, we think your humans should just give in and let you on that couch invader! ๐
the 2 brown dawgs
I’m not allowed on the couch at all! I can have the whole house for myself but not the couch : (
Maybe get a hairnet and then they will never know where you’ve been? Not the best look perhaps! *waggy tail*
Thanks for joining our bloghop – good to have you onboard ๐
What a look. Work it Bailey!
Bol! I love jumping on the couch as well!
It’s so much fun D:
Thanks for joining the hop!