Dogs in Cars #2

On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. After realizing how hard it was to capture a stranger’s doggie while riding in their car, I decided to open this series to friends!

If you haven’t yet sent in a picture of your doggie (or other furry) riding in a car, I invite you to contact me and send your pics! Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures so far… they’re wonderful!!

If you have photos you’d like to see in our next post, please contact me for my email (if you don’t already have it). Please include your doggie’s name and your blog’s name & URL (doesn’t have to be a doggie blog, but it must be family-friendly), so I could list them. This is an ongoing series — when I receive enough pictures, I’ll announce on this page when the next Dogs in Cars will be posted. Don’t miss sending your pictures in!

Now for Dogs in Cars…

Dogs in Cars #2
Finn, submitted by Finn Howard.

Dogs in Cars #2
Storm & Thunder, submitted by 2 Brown Dawgs.

Dogs in Cars #2
Frankie, submitted by “Frankly Speaking,” with Frankie Furter.

Dogs in Cars #2
Rugby (left) and Diesel (right), submitted by Mister Rugby Sevens UD.

Dogs in Cars #2
RA, submitted by RA Husky.

Dogs in Cars #2
Eva, submitted by Eva & Priscilla.

Dogs in Cars #2
Finn, submitted by Finn’s Dog Blog.

Dogs in Cars #2
Ernie, submitted by “Frankly Speaking,” with Frankie Furter.

Dogs in Cars #2
Tanner, submitted by Tanner Trains the Family.

Dogs in Cars #2
Snuffles, submitted by Hound Dog Mom.

Dogs in Cars #2
Eva, submitted by Eva & Priscilla.

Dogs in Cars #2
Thunder, submitted by 2 Brown Dawgs.

Dogs in Cars #2
Gibson, submitted by FiveSibesTM.

Dogs in Cars #2
Gabe, submitted by Hound Dog Mom.

Dogs in Cars #2
Finn, submitted by Finn’s Dog Blog.

Dogs in Cars #2
Sugar, submitted by Sugar The Golden Retriever.

Dogs in Cars #2
Sage, submitted by Sage Chronicles.

Dogs in Cars #2
Finn, submitted by Finn Howard.

Dogs in Cars #2
Eva, submitted by Eva & Priscilla.

Dogs in Cars #2
Nala & Bailey, of

Dogs in Cars #2
Birdie, submitted by
OK, so it’s not a doggie, and it’s not IN a car.
But it’s cute! Teehee


If your photo was featured today, please feel free to grab the button below and share it on your website or blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

I Was Featured on Dogs in Cars at


Send in your Dogs in Cars photos!… (Ongoing series)

Happy Tuesday woofs & hugs! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect (see box in the right-hand column –>), and join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
Word verification has been turned off! Comment away! Spammers take a hike! All comments are moderated, so they won’t show up right away. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Copyright ยฉ All Dogs in Cars photos are Copyright ยฉ their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved.

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29 Responses
  1. Sam says:

    Those are some well traveled dogs! Loved all the pictures! Thanks for letting us join too!

  2. Oh Bailey, what a great idea!! I’d love to but I’m afraid I won’t be able to take part this time coz we’re moving really soon and my human is in the middle of mad packing (!) so she just hasn’t got time to start digging for photos for me…but when we’re settled in Sydney, if you’re still running this game, I’ll try to join in then!

    Honey the Great Dane

  3. siku marie says:

    So where are all these adorable furries going? Is there a road trip planned? We love car rides,

  4. Benny & Lily says:

    so cute. We will send you a picture
    Benny & Lily

  5. FiveSibesMom says:

    Oh it was great seeing our Gibson and all those other adorable “dogs in cars!” Thanks for including us and we added your button to our blog! Fun! The rest of the Sibes are wooing that they want their picture in a car on your blog too, so I’ll be getting more photos! Thanks for the fun!

  6. Sophie says:

    That is a LOT of awesome photos there! Everyone is so cute!

  7. Khyra says:

    Since it has rained since late Sunday, Mom took me along fur a mini-ROTE today –

    Do woo think she khould remember to bring the khamera???


    I’ll have a chat with her and we’ll get woo something next week!


  8. Kirsten says:

    Those are some great pictures! Dogs in cars look so happy. I have lots of dogs in cars pix–I’ll send you some of my faves ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Brian says:

    That sure is a great looking bunch!!!

  10. We are going to have to pester mom to find that pic. what is the email address?

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. RAHUSKY says:

    hahahaha, Nala woo look all ready to go! Come over and get us and we will pawty!!
    RA, Isis & nuknuk

  12. SUGAR says:

    Woof! Woof! Oh sooooo many dogs in the car. I absolutely LOVE LOVE car rides. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  13. Finn says:

    Is Nala any good at steering that thing?

  14. Thanks for including me. Everyone looks like they are having such a great time. I tried to include this on my blog, but mommy had some trouble. She did a cut and paste of the code, but it didn’t work right for her. Mommy is just not a tech savy as she should be.

    Puppy Kisses,

  15. Ellen says:

    I loved all those photos! Poochies love to go, go, GO!

  16. Frankie Furter says:

    These were superb. I love how happy all the dogs look… BUTT that Last one… I think it belonged in Sarge’s Give Us the BIRD thingy. BaaaaaWaaaaah.

    THIS is really a fun thingy. I am enjoying the heck out of it!!! THANKS!!!!
    PeeS… Happy THANKSGIVING to YOU and your Family!!!

  17. bert says:

    I sent it, will you let me know if you get it….

  18. HoundDogMom says:

    These are all great photos. Thanks for including our photos of Dogs in Cars. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Mom

  19. bert says:

    We found the picture we want to use yesterday so we will go look for your email address and send it to you.

    Fun stuff

  20. I know we have some photos to share – I think they are on the big computer so I will get Mom to look for them a little later and we will send some. These are all great shots and there is NOTHING better then a good car ride

  21. Priscilla says:

    Dogs in cars!! All our furkids are so spoilt!

  22. 2browndawgs says:

    Oh how cute! I better not let Thunder and Storm see the other pictures or they are going to think they have it bad…lol. I think Birdie stole the show!

  23. Finn says:

    They all look so great!! Such a good variety too!

  24. Talking Dogs says:

    These are all wonderful! You’re motivating me to take some pix of my dogs when they’re navigating ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, oh, I’ll have to wash all the gravel road dust off the vehicle first… lol