Tag-Archive for » Tanner «

Monday Mischief

Yay! It’s Mischief Monday again! I love how it comes once a week. Hehe…

Dogs in Cars #2

On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. After realizing how hard it was to capture a stranger’s doggie while riding in their car, I decided to open this series to friends!

Old Pet Photos: Bird Loves Dog & Product Review

Sooo, it was my mommy’s birthday this past Monday, and she’s been playing with one of the toys she got. I don’t like it much, ’cause I can’t play with it.

An Amazing Surprise Gift

I’m just a puppy, and stuff usually doesn’t leave me speechless. But wowserz… I just received an amazing surprise gift from a good friend’s mommy!

Contest Results & a Sharing Moment

*9 days till Nala’s surgery*

I feel like sharing today, but first I want to tell everyone about the 2011 Spectacular Tongue Tacular Contest. They’ve picked a winner — it’s a kitty cat! Can you believe it? Those kitties sure are tricky! Congrats to Link, the kitty cat!