Are You Kidding? Why would you put my toys in a BOX?
But First…
I’d like to share another drawing my mommy did. Can you guess who it is?

It’s Fred, from Basset Momma!
Did YOU guess right?
Now for Toys in the Box…
Mommy sometimes goes a little crazy. She tries to be a neat freak. She vacuums a few times each week to try and clean up Nala’s and my furs… she goes through the house trying to put things back where they belong… And then she goes and gathers all my toys up and puts them in a box. A BOX! Can you believe it?
I don’t like my toys in a box.

This is how my toys USED to be…
I loved being able to lay with them.
This is how my toys look now.
All Organized.
I hate it.
Dogs in Cars…
Send in your Dogs in Cars photos!… If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Pet Portraits… Thinking of memorializing your doggie, kitty, birdie, small critter, etc.? Why not have my mommy create a color drawing for you? View some samples here.
Dogs in Shadows…
Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos!… If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!
Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3
*Extra Woofies*
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Beth here….You are an amazing artist! I would love to find out if you could do a pic of Rem. You can contact me at his email on the side of his blog. I have a certain pic in mind….thanks!
Vert nice picture of Fred. We like our toys strewn all over the floor so people can step on them. π
the brown dawgs
The drawing of Fred is so beautiful. Your momma is so talented, Bailey!
Eva loves to see her toys everywhere too!
We hate our toys being put away too! If we can we try and run off with them before they can get picked up and hidden in the box π Great picture of Fred – brilliant! Woofs and licks from Magic xx
your momma is so talented!!
Benny & Lily
BOL! Oh Bailey you crack me up! π At least you have toys! π
Mom went Cuckoo over your fabulous drawing of Fred. Just look at his eyes! Amazing.
Waggin at ya,
We feel the same way about our toys!! Mama TRIES to run around and organize stuff, but they end up all over the floor anyway…so we don’t really know why she even does that. xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Bailey, the best thing to do is take your toys back out of the box. Your person will get tired of putting them in there after awhile. That’s an awesome drawing of Freddie. I’ve been after my person to draw me. She can draw horses, but she says she’s no good at drawing dogs.
That drawing of Freddie is pawsome! As for the toys, I don’t like mine in a box either. I like mine in the floor.
What did your toys do to deserve to go to toy jail?! What a mean Mama! I hate t when all my toys get scooped up. It takes me all day to get them back where I want them. BOO!
Oh No! You must get them out right away. When they are out you can see all of them and know if any are missing. In a box it’s not so easy to do that.
We love our toys all over the house, not contained in a silly box!!
I knew that was sweet little Freddie! Beautiful drawing, you captured him so well!
Bailey, maybe you should empty out the box and then hide the box out in the yard or under a bed! ;]
I’ve taken it a step further and tried to teach Elka how to put the toys in the box. She has a clear plastic one, like that, and I wonder if the clear plastic makes it so she can’t see it very well. I’m going to get a different basket/box, and try again.
ME put my toys back in the box, MYSELF? Hahaha I don’t think that’ll ever happen. Teehee! <3
Oh, can I sympathize! I used to carry all the toys (mine and the kitties) to my “cave” and surround myself with them. Then Buddy came along and he spread them around the house. Now our toys go in a box too. π
Oh Bailey, thank you so much for letting me in on the “doggie perspective.” I keep picking up Sugar and Meeka’s toys and putting them in a basket nice and neat. Then Sugar goes over to the basket and whines and whines. She thinks she can’t get in to it. I know she can, but apparently she wants ME to go over there and lay the basket sideways so she can get in to it. In fact, it’s on its side right now so she can get her toys out easily. By the way, your mom is truly very talented. I love getting to see all her drawings.
WOW! That picture is awesome that your mom did of Freddie!!! I love the colour of his eyes, it matches them perfectly! I’m really impressed! My mom told me I’d love your post today, I can see why π And who needs toy boxes anyways Bailey? hehe
I’m not a huge toy fan…just my ball & me! But, let me tell you, my Mom sweeps the kitchen floor all the time! What’s up with that? I certainly don’t bring in that dirt or shed all over the place…..
Bailey! Your Mom is a great artist! I DO recognize Fred! SO cute!
Maybe your Mom puts your toys all together so they will not get lost. Or so you can have fun getting them out. I know it is not to make you sad!
OMG!! I just love that picture of Freddie your Momma did!! She captured his expression and his freckles perfectly!! She is one super talented lady! I will be contacting her for this pic! As for your toy box Bailey, Fred always chews any toy box I give him!
Don’t you just hate it when your human keeps messing with your toys? Mine does the same thing. Not so much the toys in the box thing (we’ve taught her that doesn’t work) but she keeps throwing away our toys JUST when we get them the way we like them! For example: everyone knows that the whole purpose of a squeaky toy is for us to tear the squeaky out. And rope tugs are supposed to be ripped to a kazillion shreds! But my silly Mom throws away the squeaky toy after I tear it’s guts out and gets rid of the rope-tug just when I’ve got all the knots untied and it’s just a mass of lose threads. I’ll never understand humans!
Hey Bailey ~ my Mom’s going to do a blog post all about ME, just for YOU today! So you can see how ruggedly handsome I am…
P.S. If you just take all your toys out of the box, as your mom puts them in it, she’ll eventually give up. The key to training humans is you have to be CONSISTENT!
Oh Bailey, you have the sweetest expression. Our William ( is always moving his toys around the house too, even when I try hard to keep everyting tidy.
My humans also put my toys in a box,,,,but I never take a toy out of the box. I make them take the toys out,,,and only then do I play with them. Slowly,,,the humans are learning.
My Golden Khousin Harley feels the furry same about MY toys –
Chekhk out my post today (Saturday) fur proof of that!
Happy Saturday AND Weekend!