Major Monday Mischief

Hooo boy, I really got myself into some mischief this time! This time, I’m REALLY in the dog house!

But First…

I’d like to share another drawing my mommy did. Can you guess who it is?

Major Monday Mischief
It’s Blaze, from 24 Paws of Love!
Did YOU guess right?

Now for my Major Monday Mischief…

Here’s what happened…

A little more than a week ago, my mommy cleaned out the area next to her side of the bed. She put some of her stuffies on the bottom shelf of her night stand, and that area became a place that Nala enjoyed napping by. I would go over to see Nala there occasionally, and whenever I did, my mommy would tell me to leave Nala alone.

I heard my mommy ask a few times… “How do my stuffies keep getting onto the floor?” Then she would put them back up on the bottom shelf of her night stand. She didn’t know how they were moving, but I did.

Just a few days later, mommy noticed some pieces of carpet in the living room (we only have carpeting in the bedrooms). She picked them up and threw them away, but I knew she was wondering what was going on.

Then last Thursday night, everyone left the house about 10pm, and didn’t come home until almost 3:30am!! I was not happy about being alone that late at night. When everyone finally came home, they noticed lots of pieces of carpet, all over the living room.

They walked to the bedrooms to see if they could figure out where the pieces of carpet were coming from. Then daddy went over to mommy’s side of the bed. Uh oh…

Major Monday Mischief
Does this really need explaining? Hooo boy, mommy was furious!

Major Monday Mischief
I dug up the entire carpet in this one corner.

Major Monday Mischief
It was a big mess.

Major Monday Mischief
This isn’t going to be an easy fix.

Daddy and Taylor understood that I was just scared they wouldn’t come home, even if I didn’t behave like this on other days I was left alone. But poor mommy… she’s worried that this is the start of some new unwanted behavior. *Sigh*


Dogs in Cars… Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Pet Portraits… Thinking of memorializing your doggie, kitty, birdie, small critter, etc.? Why not have my mommy create a color drawing for you? View some samples here.

Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
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23 Responses
  1. Freighter here. I ate carpet once. Well I chewed but did not swallow it. I was teething so I had that excuse. Maybe you are teething?

    a brown dawgs

  2. Bailey buddy,

    That was way more Mischief than even I imagined you’d got up to!!

    But hey, you didn’t know they were actually going to return home, did you? Glad you’ve got Dad and Taylor in your corner buddy πŸ™‚

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy πŸ™‚

  3. Kari says:

    That is VERY mischievous!

    Stop on by for a visit

  4. Kas says:

    Wow, Bailey, your mom is a great artist! And ruh roh … better be good for a while after that! πŸ™‚

  5. siku marie says:

    Bailey, not only was that a REALLY bad move because it ruined the rug, but if you swallow too much of that fiber, you could get sick!

    Mommy’s sketch of Blaze is great!

  6. Bert says:

    We love your mommas artwork. She really does incredible work.

    so sorry that you are having some carpet issues. I sure hope you can figure out a less expensive way to deal with your concerns.

    WE love ya
    Bert and My vickie

  7. Brandi Yee says:

    Ohhhh Bailey! You certainly are keeping your mommy busy aren’t you?? Just don’t make a habit of it πŸ˜‰ hehe.

    Love the picture of Blaze!! Your mommy is quite the talented lady πŸ™‚


  8. Benny & Lily says:

    yep…mischief alright, BOL Check our blog tomorrow
    Benny & Lily

  9. Dogs N Pawz says:

    Wow Bailey! I can’t believe you did that but then again, I had a shepherd that dug through the linoleum floor in our house and jumped through a glass window! So I guess I can believe almost anything! I hope you are super good to your mom for the next few weeks πŸ™‚

  10. Hi Y’all,

    Opps! The ol’ carpet caper! Way to go Bailey!

    Next time get your humans to leave a radio playin’. Works for me. I listen to the Oldies station and don’t notice strange noises outside.

    Love the pics of Blaze and Freddie!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    P.S. Haven’t forgotten about the dogs in cars…the Humans have been super busy lately. so busy I haven’t even had much time for visitin’ everybody.

    • bailey says:

      My mommy leaves the TV on for Nala and me — set to Nickelodeon or some children’s station. I think I’d rather watch a doggie show! πŸ˜‰

  11. Beautiful portrait!!

    Umm, yes I would agree that you got into some mischief! Oooops!

  12. Ooooo, Bailey you bad girl. Not good. You better be extra super duper good now to make up for that.

    Ask your mom if she would like to feature her pet portraits on my Artsy Fartsy Tuesday post.

  13. Nancy K. says:

    Oh, my poor, BEAUTIFUL Bailey! Don’t people know that they are NEVER supposed to leave us??? I’ll never figure them out…

    I wish I could be there to help you feel safe and loved (blush), but since I can’t, maybe your Mom could check out the “Thundershirt”. They give a soft, gentle hug all the time you wear them and are REALLY good at helping to calm us doggies when we are unhappy. Here’s a link you can check out yourself:

    I hope this helps! I hate to think of you being upset. I know my Mom would love to get a couple of these awesome shirts for her rescue dogs (did I tell you that I was once a rescue dog? Yup. But my Mom fell in love with me SO MUCH that she just couldn’t let me go. So now SHE is my forever home! πŸ˜‰

    • bailey says:

      Awww, you’re too sweet. *smile* We did a series of Thundershirt reviews for Nala (you can see them on my review page). I don’t think the Thundershirt would work for me — I hate wearing jackets! Teehee! πŸ˜‰

      Woofs & huggies! <3

  14. Goose says:

    Oh Bailey I know how ya feel when you are left alone. I never tore anything up, well that’s not completely true I crashed right through the front door, yep went right through it. There was a whole in the front door that was just a little bit bigger than me. I hope you find a way to channel that nerves energy. For me I am never alone, I’m with MOM or with Bert at his place. MOM just LOVES all your mom’s drawing. I gotta get that woman to have your mom do one of me.

  15. Again, your mom is so utterly talented! Love the picture. It’s just beautiful. Well Bailey, I think you might be in trouble this time. Please re-read the title of your blog and be good! I”m not scolding you, I know you were stressed and it just breaks my heart. It’s easy for me to be so forgiving way over here because it’s not my carpet. A wee bit harder for your mommy I bet. Hang in there Bailey, it will get better. AND hang in there mommy, it will get better. Whenever my son comes out to visit me, he brings his three dogs. The older two and so well behaved, but Biscuit, oh my gosh, if we leave the dogs alone, she always destroys something. She’s young through and doesn’t understand where she is, but oh my, I’m always repairing something after they leave. I must say it’s worth it though to have my son come to visit. He is coming over Easter break (he’s a teacher so he’s off) and the whole gang will be here, what will Biscuit do now?

  16. Oh no, I can’t believe my eyes!!! Are you sure you did that???

    I like Blaze’s drawing! Your mom is really good at it.

  17. Bassetmomma says:

    Oh Bailey! I guess you did get into some mischief! You’ll have to stop that or your Momma will be too stressed! I know you were just missing her though.

    P.S. – I still can’t figure out how to get that picture on my blog. grrr…

  18. Bailey says:

    Bailey you are going to have to find another way to deal with your stress.

  19. Higgins says:

    First that was a great picture! Your mom is so talented!!!!!

    Oh boy, that is a major MM!!! You better be doing something really good to get their minds off that one!!
