Dogs in Cars #7

On November 11, 2011, I started a new series — Dogs in Cars. Have YOU sent in a pic of YOU riding in a car? It’s OK if you’re just sitting in it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you have photos you’d like to see in our next post, please contact me for my email (if you don’t already have it). Please include your doggie’s (or other furry’s) name and your blog’s name & URL (doesn’t have to be a doggie blog, but it must be family-friendly), so I could list them. This is an ongoing series — when I receive enough pictures, I’ll announce on this page when the next Dogs in Cars will be posted. Have you already sent pics in? Send in another! We wanna see your doggie in a car, so don’t miss sending your pictures in!

But first… some new drawings…

I’d like to share a couple of drawings my mommy did. These were both requested.

Dogs in Cars #7
This is an 8×10 of Remington.

Dogs in Cars #7
This is a 5×7 of a little Yorkie/Poodle mix named, Sushi.

Now for this month’s Dogs in Cars…

Dogs in Cars #7
Bunk, submitted by Bunkblog.

Dogs in Cars #7
Chloe, submitted by Bichonpawz.

Dogs in Cars #7
Chloe, submitted by Bichonpawz.

Dogs in Cars #7
Prudence, submitted by A Coonhound’s Tales.

Dogs in Cars #7
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by

Dogs in Cars #7
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by

Dogs in Cars #7
Meeka, submitted by In Joy In My Life.

Dogs in Cars #7
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by

Dogs in Cars #7
Casper, submitted by Casper D Dog.

Dogs in Cars #7
Daisy, submitted by Down Under Daisy.

Dogs in Cars #7
Sasha, submitted by Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu.

Dogs in Cars #7
Unnamed Doggie, submitted by
This doggie’s leash was dangling in the back, very close to
the wheel. Mommy had to pull up alongside and tell his human!

Dogs in Cars #7
Sasha, submitted by Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu.

Dogs in Cars #7
Ben & Fly, submitted by The Dogs of Greenhill Farm.

Dogs in Cars #7
Pip, submitted by The Dogs of Greenhill Farm.

Dogs in Cars #7
Sheila, submitted by The Dogs of Greenhill Farm.

Dogs in Cars #7
Teddy, submitted by The Dogs of Greenhill Farm.

Dogs in Cars #7
Hootie & Baby Rocket Dog, submitted by Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie.

Dogs in Cars #7
Kyla, submitted by Kylascott.

Dogs in Cars #7
Cinderella, submitted by The Legacy Chronicles.

Dogs in Cars #7
Shiloh, Scout, Teddy, & Summer, submitted by Dogs N Pawz.


If your photo was featured today, please feel free to grab the button below and share it on your website or blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

I Was Featured on Dogs in Cars at


Dogs in Cars… Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Pet Portraits… Thinking of memorializing your doggie, kitty, birdie, small critter, etc.? Why not have my mommy create a color drawing for you? View some samples here.

Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed or email. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
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Copyright ยฉ All Dogs in Cars photos are Copyright ยฉ their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved.

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20 Responses
  1. Hee, that’s my sissy Cinderella in that convertible! She says it’s better than a pumpkin any day. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Daisy says:

    We are in awe of the drawings! Wonderful.

    Enjoyed all the Dogs in Cars. And I’m proud I got to be one of them.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Sasha says:

    Wow what an incredible artist you are! Remington is my special (boy)friend so I am partial to that one. Thanks for including me in dogs in cars, that was fun.

    Loveys Sasha

  4. Brandi says:

    Awwww love those pictures!! Especially Remington! My mom is in LOVE with the picture she received today. I can’t wait to see it in person, she says it’s awesome!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. fern reed says:

    You do a wonderful job at drawing the dogs, Mom!!! Very nice!!!
    I don’t drive any more and don’t have a car so poor Zoie never gets to go any where except the vets!! Poor baby!!
    Loved the pictures !!!

  6. siku marie says:

    There is nothing betting than a ride in the car! Glad so many of our friends agree!

  7. Those are great!
    Dachshund Nola

  8. These are great pictures. I love this idea because it’s so much fun to see these dogs in the cars. Really makes you wonder what they are thinking.

  9. Benny & Lily says:

    Love the doggies in the cars
    Benny & Lily

  10. remington says:

    I have tried to post and it doesn’t work — will this one?

  11. Beth says:

    Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog! I appreciate it! I know I wonโ€™t be doing this daily but will be fun to share some of the things going on in my life! I hope we can be great friends! FYI — I can’t wait to get the drawing of Remington — it is beautiful!

  12. Tell your mom those are just wonderful drawings!!! Loved all the pic of “dogs in cars”. The one with the leash near the wheel was very creepy. Hopefully the humans understood that. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Tuesday, Bailey. ~Weinerful Gang~

  13. Remington says:

    Great post! You are an amazing artist! I can’t wait to get the drawing.

  14. Bailey says:

    Drawings are amazing. Love the pictures of the dogs in cars.

  15. The OP Pack says:

    Wow, look at all those dogs having a great time in cars!!! We see a lot of our friends.

    More great drawings from Mom too.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Wow, they are so many dogs in cars pictures!

    Love your mom’s drawings. Excellent!

  17. Bassetmomma says:

    What great drawings! Your Momma really captured Remington! All the dogs in cars are great, too. Thank goodness your Momma let those people in the Jeep know about the leash! Whew!

  18. Love the drawing of Remington! The ‘Dogs in Cars’ pics are great too. : )

  19. Finn says:

    Great installment! I can’t believe that collar and its proximity to the wheel! Scary!!