Archive for the Category »Hygiene «

Bath Day! Huh?!

Nala’s skin was looking a little dry recently, and her fur was coming out in clumps. So mommy decided to bring her to the doctor for a check-up. And because of my itching, she also took ME to the doctor, too!

Bailey Bath Time

I know I said I love water… but not like this!

Knots Be Gone!

I had one of those days the other day. You know… the kind of day where your mommy gives you that look. The look that says it’s knot removal day!

Groom Groommm!

My mommy puts lots of stuff on the calendar to remind her to do things for Nala and me — like to remember to give us Frontline, or Heartgard. But today’s grooming appointment was not on the calendar!

Category: Hygiene  Tags: , , , , ,  11 Comments

Sleepy Sunday: During The Big Thing

Happy Sunday, friends! Today I’m sharing a photo that my mommy took the other day during the 6th installment of The Big Thing.