There was another post I was going to share, but recently, something happened on my hu-mommy’s computer (file server side) and she ‘misplaced/lost/can’t find’ more than 3 years worth of photos and files. SIGH. She is beyond upset, because in those 3 years of photos, are photos and videos of her mommy. I sure hope someone figures out how to find them. I hope they’re not gone forever.
Tag-Archive for » 3 months «
Sept 2010: Playing Catch-up
September, 2010: 3 months, 20 lbs.
Since I’m already 6 months old, I’ll have to do my best to catch you up to all the trouble I’ve gotten myself into since I came to live with my new mom, dad and sister…and my other sister…the furry one. Her name is Nala. She’s an 11-1/2 year old American Eskimo mix, and has never lived with a dog before. In fact, she hated dogs before I came to live with her. I think I’ve turned her around a little…sometimes I actually think she likes me! Haha. Well, either she likes me, or she just puts up with me because she has no choice.
Category: In the Beginning
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