First Drives To & From School

I mentioned recently, that I’ve been going out more and more in the car, and I haven’t been getting sick. This week, I’ve been going with mommy to pick up Taylor from school!

Still looking for my NYC bloggie friends! ๐Ÿ™‚

My mommy was invited to an awesome invitation-only pet-related event in NYC (pets are welcome), but unfortunately cannot attend. We are looking for one person to go on our behalf — You would be going as an associate of My ParenTime’s Family Community ( &, and would need to gather and send any information (pamplets, brochures, samples, etc) to me. You would also need to write up your experience & offer opinions for a guest blogger spot on I would prefer you to have been my friend (commenting back and forth on each other’s blogs, etc.) for at least a few months, and to have your own blog (doesn’t need to be pet-related, though since the event is pet-related, you probably should have pets). If you want more details, you can send me an email and I’ll get back to you. The event is on 11-15-11, and space is limited. Please comment below if you’re interested, or send me an email if you’re curious about this great event (please only contact me if we’ve been commenting back and forth for at least a few months). Thank you woofs! <3 Now for My Drives to & From School…

First Drive to School
Nala’s gone on these pick up trips before, but now it was my turn!

First Drive to School
When we get to the school, we have to wait on a long line.

First Drive to School
There’s always a long line behind us, too!

First Drive to School
I still feel a little nervous, but my tummy wasn’t
feeling sick at all. By the way… like my harness?
Come back tomorrow for my review. ๐Ÿ™‚

First Drive to School
For the first time, I’ve wanted to look out the window.

First Drive to School
Mommy lowered it so I could stick my head out
and feel the nice breeze. I enjoyed that. ๐Ÿ™‚

First Drive to School
There were so many things to see!

First Drive to School
I even saw some birdies in a pond by the school!

First Drive to School
But the best thing to see, was my reflection in
the side view mirror! Helloooo beautiful! Teehee!

First Drive to School
It takes about 10 minutes, but then we reach Taylor.
She’s always so happy to see me, but when I ride along,
she has to sit in the back seat…
’cause I ride shotgun!

First Drive to School
I relax and enjoy the ride home. I’m glad that I’m
finally able to feel comfortable enough to lie down on
the seat. I bet I’ll enjoy the car more and more now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Friday woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… I invite you to follow me via Google Friend Connect (see box in the right-hand column –>), and join me on Facebook. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
Word verification has been turned off! Comment away! Don’t forget: all comments are moderated, so they won’t show up right away. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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13 Responses
  1. siku marie says:

    What an accomplishment Bailey! I am so proud of you for working through the sickies and learning that car rides are FUN!

  2. Hi Bailey and Nala! Well done on your car trips, we have harnesses like yours Bailey, I can still stand up though and poke my tongue out at the car behind and keep getting told off lol!!! Dex and Lou xxx

  3. We loves going for rides in the car!!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  4. A car trip! Fun! I love them, but the Bear gets car sick if we go to far. We have to get out the dramine when we plan a road trip! Love your pictures! You are very pretty!!!

  5. 2browndawgs says:

    Hooray for car rides without getting sickie!

  6. HoundDogMom says:

    Oh, Bailey we are so glad your trips in the car are becoming more comfortable. We loves to go for car rides, but we have heard our human talking about getting us seatbelts. She is very anxious to see your review on yours. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  7. Mr. Pip says:

    Great job in the car! I wish we could go to the NYC event. It sounds fun.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Tanner is still at Doggy camp, but I wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. Looks like life is treating you well. Can’t wait to hear about the new harness. Tanner and I are always looking for new tools for the car. Tanner will be home and posting again on Tuesday. Hope you can drop by.


  9. Benny & Lily says:

    Sounds like you are making progress. Maybe if you take a nap on the couch before getting in the car you will be ok
    Benny & Lily

  10. That’s wonderful. Bet you’ll never want to stay home now. (Or does Momma take you so you can’t sneak up on the new couch when she isn’t home to yell at you?) BOL


  11. Priscilla says:

    I love car rides and I usually don’t really mind where my humans take me to, both the vets and the groomers are still ok as long as they give me lots of treats.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the car rides too!

  12. Priscilla says:

    Just like Anny, I love and adore car rides and am willing to go anywhere my humans take me to except the groomers, however, the vet is okayish as long as they don’t poke anything to my back.

    So glad you enjoyed your car rides!

  13. Anny says:

    That’s really neat. Glad you are finally getting the hang of car rides Bailey. Its really a lot of fun.

    I love car rides and am always excited to get into them cars. Sometimes i end up at the vet.. and sometimes at the groomers.. but most times.. its just out on car rides.