Mojo-Jax (& Video)

Last week was the hardest week of my entire life. My furry sister Nala left for Rainbow Bridge on Saturday, 1-10-15, and I’ve been very sad.

My sweet Nala (puppy Nala)– I miss you more than I could ever describe. Just a few days after Mommy & Daddy brought you to the Rainbow Bridge, I was playing in the living room. Mommy & Taylor were throwing a toy to me. I had the toy in my mouth, then noticed an 8×10 photo of you, my Nala… right there at the height of my eyes. I stared, then dropped my toy. I looked at Mommy & Taylor, then I did a double take. I didn’t remember seeing you around the house. Then I went back to playing.

I didn’t quite realize that you were gone for good, until the week after. I sat in your spot in the bedroom and cried. Mommy, daddy and Taylor tried to console me, but they couldn’t. Those few days were pretty stressful, but ended up being okay. In the early afternoon, Mommy & Taylor came home after being gone for a few hours… but they didn’t come home alone.

There’s a video below the photos. ๐Ÿ™‚

This is JAX! He’s a Shepherd mix puppy.
He’s also a B O Y! First boy dog ever for my hu-family.

I had to try out his bed to make sure it was okay.

I also had to check out his crate.
This was my crate when I was a puppy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hey, that’s MY water bowl!

I’m teaching him to look out the window…
something Nala and I used to do together.

Why does he like to sleep on my tail?

He’s a feisty little boy. I’m gonna have to teach him some things.

Video: Jax the Shepherd Mix Puppy
There’s some music if you’d like to keep your sound on. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jax Facts…

He’s currently 2 months old and 10.7 lbs. The rescue organization gave him the name “Mojo,” which happens to rhyme with our hamster’s name, “JoJo! He won’t get nearly as big as me (currently down to 70 lbs — 5 lbs more to go!), but he might get to be about 35-40 lbs (Nala was at least 30 lbs when she was her biggest). Jax was born November 19, the DAY AFTER Nala (November 18). Jax also happens to look a little like me.

Question from my hu-mommy…

I know lots of you are multi-dog families — how do you handle a new puppy in the house? What do you do about teething puppies biting your older dogs while playing? We think we’ve found a happy medium, but would love to hear your expert input! <3

Another issue of Dogs in Cars will be posting soon! Send in your photos! ๐Ÿ™‚

Are you following the correct link for my RSS Feed?

I heard from many of you that my feed has not been showing up in your readers for quite some time. I am so sorry! Feedburner said my RSS Feed got too big, and it stopped sending it out. :/ So I deleted it and it’s now located here. The problem I have, is that everyone who had previously subscribed, is no longer subscribed. ๐Ÿ™ I have your emails, and plan on sending out one general message asking everyone to change the URL of the feed so you could continue receiving it in your reader (nope, haven’t done this yet). You can always visit my page and click on the RSS link in the sidebar. I hope this will solve the problem, so you can be notified of new posts. Please do let me know if this solves the problem! ๐Ÿ™‚

Pet Portraits… Have you ever thought of getting a portrait done of your treasured furry & feathered babies? Why not have my mommy create one for you! You can see drawings, pricing, and other information on this page. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dogs in Cars! Send in your Dogs in Cars photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Dogs in Shadows… Send in your Dogs in Shadows photos! If you haven’t yet joined this series, or if you have new pics you’d like to share, send them in! If you already have my email, send away! If you need my email, contact me first!!

Happy woofs & hugs, friends! <3 ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl) P.S… If you’re a human who blogs about your furry, or a furry who blogs about your human… or even a furry who blogs about your life… Please subscribe and follow me via RSS Feed. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Please let me know you’ve visited — I love reading other blogs and making new friends. <3

*Extra Woofies*
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19 Responses
  1. FiveSibesMom says:

    Oh Bailey, I’m so sorry about beautiful Nala traveling to the Rainbow Bridge. She was so lucky to have you and be in your family. I know she will be in your hearts always. Sending big hugs to you and your family. <3 Love the video…and baby Jax is so sweet! I love the one of him in the toy box! I'm so happy you have a little bro to be with. He has the best big sis!

  2. Nice to meet you Jax! We are very sorry about your sister. It is always so hard! So you are the first boy? How exciting! You might be interested in knowing we have a Youth Room in our upcoming event, the Heart 2 Heart Valentine;s Day Dance. We know sweet Mabel will be in the youth room and there will be fun things for the pups to do!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Bailey says:

    I can’t tell you how much your comments mean to me and my hu-family! We have gone through so much this past year, and this year didn’t get off to a great start. We’re all still missing Nala, but Jax is definitely making things a little easier.

    I apologize for not visiting all of you for so long — I hope to one day get back on track with things. Jax has so much energy, and he requires so much energy in return that he tires us all out! BOL

    I will never forget my sweet sister Nala. She was my first real friend, and one day we’ll be together again. I think she sent us Jax to take care of… because she’s just so sweet to do that.

    Big woofs & huggies everyone. <3 <3 <3

  4. white dog says:

    We have missed you and your family so much! Sadly, and happily, dearest friend, life continues to move us all forward. Soft woos of sadness over Sweet Nala’s passing. We know that she loved you and your family more than anything and we hope that brings you a special kind of peace…one that comes from totally sharing lives devoted and committed to each other. Bailey, stop and listen to your heart for a minute. Can you hear Nala? She is always and forever with you and will never be forgotten. As you teach Jax about watching out of windows and playing with toys and cuddling together, let him know about his Angel Sister. He will be his own person, but will, we know, have a special guardian watching over him. Gentleness, patience (lots of it), and always love are the tools you will need to help Jax grow and fit in. It will not always be easy and you won’t necessarily see it happen but one day, you will look at him and say, “Wow! how awesome is he?” Remember when you and Nala were first learning how to be sisters? You have been away a long time and the WDA now has a Baby in our house, one that is a darker shade of white. Next week she will be 7 months old. Tonight we will tell her the story of our beautiful friends Nala and Bailey as our bedtime story. Please tell Jax we welcome him!

  5. Anna the GSD says:

    Hey Bailey!! So sorry to hear about Nala! But the Bridge just got a lot more fabulous with her there! Hugs!

    And Jax is quite adorable! Boys are cool…I think they tend to be a bit more doofy than us smart girls. When I was a puppy I NEVER bit at all! I was perfect.

    Mom here: Shh…she’s in denial, Anna did bite. She was a landshark. We kinda just let Duncan let her know when enough was enough and she learned quickly. Congrats on the puppy breath!

  6. Sully says:

    Hey Jax, just wanted to stop by and say WELCOME! Look forward to reading all about ya.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Welcome welcome little mate!! We are so happy for you all,


  8. Charlie says:

    Crikey … I’ve just come over from the Blogville welcome wagon to say g’day and to give Jax a big warm welcome. I sure hope we can be friends. It sure is good to meet you!!

  9. Chef Sasha says:

    Hi Jax and welcome!! You are so lucky to have such a great furever home to live in. Bailey has so much to teach you. Get plenty of rest and have fun exploring your new world.

    Loveys Sasha

  10. Ruby says:

    Hey Bailey and Jax! I can’t believes I’ve never met you Bailey, butts we can remedy that now! How ya doin’ gurl??! Oh, and your little brudder is adorables!!!! OMD, you can teach him soooo much! Like deadin’ stuffies, chasin’ tree rats, barkin’ at the UPS peep, and of course beggin’ for extra treaties!
    Welcome to Blogville Jax!!! You are gonna love it here!
    Ruby โ™ฅ

  11. Welcome to Blogville Jax!! You are quite the cutey pie!!

    We are so sorry to hear of your big sister. Bailey, it looks like Jax may keep you busy for a bit and keep your mind off of missing her.
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Well hello there Jax – we know you are going to love growing up with Bailey – it has been a long time since we saw Bailey’s blog pop up in our reader and we are so happy to see you again. We are also sorry to see Nala crossed the bridge but we know she will have many many buddies over there to show her around

  13. Hello Jax, i am very pleased to meet you and Bailey.
    This is going to be so exciting watching you learn loads of new things as a pup. Looks like Bailey is doing a great job of teaching you already, that tail does look very comfy to snuggle in to!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  14. Lily Belle & Muffin says:

    We are crying tears of joy at our house seeing this pawsome news! We know you’ve all been through so much recently and bringing home sweet, adorable Jax is the perfect way to lift up your hearts.

    Bailey, you’re doing a great job teaching Jax how to properly play. We know those sharp little teeth can hurt, but think that if Jax nips you too hard, you’ll let him know.

    We bet that Nala is smiling down on you right now.

    Congrat’s on the wonderful addition to your family. We can’t wait to see more of Bailey and Jax around Blogville. (Bet we’ll be seeing a drawing soon of Jax.)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. Sam says:

    Oh congratulations! Baby Jax is a cutie! He and Bailey look so alike!

    We really only stop it if the puppy is overwhelming to the older dog (time out!) or the older dog seems to be a little too aggressive in their corrections. We’ve been lucky though, all of our older dogs have quickly taken on the role as “mother” and have been kind. The important thing to do is not leave them together unsupervised for a while.

    Monty and Harlow

  16. Welcome to Blogville, Jax. You couldn’t have picked a better family to land in or a better big sister. We have ten in our pack and the older ones always teached the younger ones the ropes and what their limitations were. Bailey will teach Jax all he needs to know.

  17. Brian Frum says:

    Welcome sweet Jax. I’m glad you have a pal sweet Bailey.

  18. Frankie and Ernie says:

    OH BAILEY GIRRRRRL…. we know how you ALL miss dear SWEET Nala… Jax can NEVER be HER… butt it is OBVIOUS that Jax fits in BEAUTIFULLY… We think the two of you have the cutest Ears in All of Blogville…


    Have Bailey go to the Blogville WELCOME WAGON or directly to Jazzi’s Blog… which is now called OREO… and get him INTRODUCED to everybuddy in Blogville … we will ALL want to make him feel Wanted and Welcome..

    WELCOME JAX โ™ฅ ! โ™ฅ